Huck Penta-Lok™ Reset selection
- No through hole required in the lightweight panel
- Ideally suited for joining load restrain profiles to lightweight panel
- High pull out strength
- Penta-Lok “claws” unfurl and install inside
The Penta-Lok has been specially designed for joining lightweight panels to metal extrusions including steel, stainless steel and aluminium.
Penta-Lok only needs a minimum 8mm of depth in the lightweight panel to insert the blind side of the fastener into prior to installation to be able to install
correctly. and doesn't even require a through-hole in the lightweight panel.
Penta-Lok “claws” unfurl and install inside the actual panel not on the blind side/back of panel enabling high pull out strength due the load spread inside the lightweight panel (approx. 16mm). The small centre to edge distance of the head of the Penta-Lok enables installation in applications with limited space.
Can be installed into Ecofont*, Polyfont PW*, Carbofont*, Isofont*, Plastifont*, Nidafont L*, Scuffliner*, Floor*, Honeycomb, Aluminium, Multi-composite boards.
* Registered trademark of Polyfont
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